Collecting fees due to music producers from users

​​​​​​​​​​1. Direct fees

In return for the authorizations given by the SCPP under general contracts of common interest, the latter collects fees directly from users. ​ 

Music videos

 The SCPP collects the fees associated with the reproduction and public transmission of its members' music videos directly from audiovisual communication (TV) publisher departments.

Sound recordings 

The SCPP collects fees for the reproduction, public transmission, and/or provision of sound recordings in its catalog directly from:

  • Online service pubishers
  • Audiovisual communication (TV) publishers​
  • Operators of sound systems for public places
  • Interactive voice service publishers
  • Interactive listening terminal publishers
  • Suppliers and users of call waiting recordings
  • Theaters and show producers
  • Internet radio stations and podcast publishers

The fees received from broadcasters depend on: ​

  • The number of reproductions for call waiting recording suppliers
  • ​The number of clicks for online servers ​
  • The number of hours of music for sound engineers (physical media)
  • Sales revenue (with a guaranteed minimum per site) for satellite/ADSL/automated broadcast sound systems​
  • The number of references played on hypermarket terminals​
  • Sales revenue for premium rate telephone services
  • Sales revenue for webcasting and podcasting​
  • Sales revenue and rate of use of sound recordings for audiovisual communications (TV) publishers
  • Sales revenue and playback duration of sound recordings for show producers​​
  • The number of incoming or combined lines for call waiting music (collected by SCPA) 

2​. Indirect fees

​In accordance with the law, certain uses of sound recordings and music videos are exempt from the producer's exclusive right to authorize (Droit exclusif d'autoriser). In this case, users do not have to obtain authorization but must pay a fee and they then transfer to the collective management companies representing the various rights owners (authors, producers, and artists). These companies then distribute the renumeration ​to their members.​ diagram financial flow.pdf.


 Equitable remuneration

 When a sound recording is broadcast on the radio, in a nightclub, or in a public place equipped with a sound system (restaurant, shopping center, hairdressing salon, etc.), no authorization is required from the artist. In return for this legal license, these rights owners are entitled to a payment called "Equitable Remuneration", which is collected by the ​ SPRE's intermediary and then paid out to the producer (50%) and artist (50%) groups.​

Private Audio Copying

The remuneration due for private audio copying is paid by the manufacturers and importers of blank media to the relevant collective management company:​ COPIE FRANCE. This remuneration is then paid out to the author (50%), producer (25%), and artist (25%) groups.​

Private Audiovisual Copying

COPIE FR​ANCE​ collects the fees due for private video copying from the manufacturers and importers of blank recording media. The remuneration is then paid out to the producer, author and artist groups in equal proportions (33.33%).​


Collecting fees due to music producers from users