Defending French producers’ rights by guaranteeing an optimal legal and technological environment

​The SCPP ensures that producers benefit from a legal and technological environment that allows them to carry out their profession under the best possible conditions.​

The SCPP's actions are as follows:

  • ​Informing members about laws and regulations concerning related rights and contractual agreements negotiated and monitored by it for the collection of fees. Informing and making suggestions to parliament, government departments and the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel (CSA broadcasting authority).
  • Attending meetings of the Conseil Supérieur de la Propriété Littéraire et Artistique (CSPLA – French Literary and Artistic Copyright Authority), the Comité National Anti-contrefaçon (CNAC – French Anti-Piracy Committee), and the Commission sur la Copie Privée (Private Copying Commission).
  • Lobbying European and international bodies (draft EU directives, proposed international agreements, etc.)
  • Participating in drafting MPEG and DDEX ​technical standards. ​
  • Carrying out legal action to protect the rights of sound recording and music video producers. ​

Defending French producers’ rights by guaranteeing an optimal legal and technological environment