The main uses covered by the General Contract of Common Interest

​The following uses may give rise to general contracts of common interest:

Call waiting music

​If you use a commercial sound recording as part of your call waiting music, please contact the SCPA to get a declaration form.

 > View the standard co​ntract


Call waiting recording providers 

You offer companies the possibility to create their sound identity by playing commercial sound recordings.

> View the rates

Playing recordings on sound systems in public places 

You are a sound engineer: you market music programs playing commercial sound recordings in all types of public places (shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas).

 - from physical media (e.g. CD)

>  View the standard contract​​
> View the rates
- from databases installed on hard drives embedded in automated broadcast sound systems
>  View the standard contract

> View the rates

- by transmitting your programs via satellite/ADSL,
>  View the standard contract​
> View the rates

Audio Jukebox

You make musical programs intended to be played on sound systems in public places by means of audio jukeboxes installed at customer sites:​

>  View the standard contract  
> View the rates 

Online Services (Internet) ​

You offer on-demand listening to commercial sound recording excerpts as part of an interactive online service (internet).

>  View the standard contract
> View the rates



You launch an Internet radio with or without a subscription.

Non-interactive webcasting :
So-called “traditional” web radio services, which are non-interactive or not dedicated to one or more artists, now come under the legal license system, rather than the exclusive rights system requiring prior authorization.
Article L. 214-1 of the Intellectual Property Code has created a limit to exclusive rights by instituting, in certain cases listed exhaustively by law, a legal licensing system which removes the requirement for the consent of rights holders and grants only a right to remuneration, in return for the use of a commercial phonogram, established by the equitable remuneration commission provided for in article L. 214-4 of the Intellectual Property Code. 

A scale of remuneration for non-interactive webcasting was adopted by the said commission by a decision dated November 7, 2019, which came into force on December 1, 2019. 

As a result, since December 1, 2019, the Société pour la Perception de la Rémunération Equitable (SPRE) has been responsible for collecting equitable remuneration for non-interactive webcasting, in application of the July 7, 2016 law on freedom of creation, architecture and heritage (LCAP). 

 Semi-interactive webcasting :
The SCPP manages web radio services with delinearized functions (pause, skip) or semi-interactive webcasting services (please contact us for details).

> Please contact us by mail : 


Offer you a podcasting service enabling the public to access, at the time and place of their choice, several of your program previously broadcast on your radio service Interactive listening terminals 

> Please contact us by mail : 

Interactive listening terminals

> Please contact us by mail : 

Playing recordings in shows  

 You use commercial sound recordings to provide sound for your show (choreography, play, etc.).

>  View the standard contract​​
>  View the r​ates


Exhibitions ​

You are organizing an exhibition and you want to provide sound for the room(s) by playing commercial sound recordings.

>Exhibition rates – playing recordings in exhibition rooms

Interactive voice services (audiotel)

> Please contact us by mail : ​


Playing recordings in certain audiovisual programs  

You operate an audiovisual communication service and you wish to use commercial sound recordings in a work or an audiovisual record made by your company or commissioned by it to a program provider..

 > Please contact us by mail :

The main uses covered by the General Contract of Common Interest